The Last Colony - John Scalzi

For me 3 stars on the star grading system and a solid 8 for me.


I feel much better about the series now that I've finished "The Last Colony', book 3 in the Old Man's War series by John Scalzi. I really enjoyed this book and the direction it takes the series.


Finally, we get back to the major protagonist is the first book, John Perry and Jane Sagan along with their adopted daughter Zoe. John and Jane are living happily ever after on a planet called Huckleberry in a village called New Goa, but with this being a book things can't be left alone so the government steps in and stirs the pot. The CU wants John and Joan to run a settlement called Roanoke.


Here's how colonizing is described in the book.

Here’s one way to colonize: You take two hundred or three hundred people, allow them to pack what supplies they see fit, drop them off on the planet of their choice, say “see you,” and then come back a year later—after they’ve all died of malnutrition brought on by ignorance and lack of supplies, or have been wiped out by another species who wants the place for themselves—to pick up the bones.

This book is about colonizing a planet along with the politics of it.  Even if it's the wrong planet.  Anybody that knows American history you really shouldn't call a new settlement Roanoke.  When I read Roanoke I had to double check the title to make sure it wasn't "The LOST Colony."


Like I said earlier if your into this series you will enjoy the book.  I don't go too far on my reviews and I hope I've given you a reason to continue the series.  I really suggest you read the first two books in the series, Old Man's War and The Ghost Brigade.


The Last Colony by John Scalzi (2007)

Book 2 in the Old Man's War series

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