I think I'm going to have to start taking notes when I read this series. Peter Grant is one busy guy, between all his magical friends of the rivers, the faes, underground people, his work, and his family, I don't see how he finds time to search for the Faceless Man. But that's what this book is about, the scheming of the Faceless Man and Peter Grant's attempt to bring him to justice.
I'm not into spoilers, so that's why my reviews are short, plus this book has been out a while and lots of reviews have already been written on Lies Sleeping. Also, this isn't the type of book that makes you reflect on your life or make you stronger. It's just an entertaining read. Other than that all I can say is that for Urban Fantasy, this is one of the best going right now. With this book, I've caught up with the series and all 7 books in this series were great reads. Now I have to wait for November for the next book to be released. It looks like the next book in Urban Fantasy I'm waiting on is Fallen in the Alex Veras series by Benedict Jacka.
I'm open for suggestions on anybody else's favorite Urban Fantasy series they enjoy.
Lies Sleeping by Ben Aaronovitch
Book 7 in the Peter Grant / Rivers of London Series